Our Services
Drain cleaning

Are you suffering from clogged drains or slow faucets? Many causes of these plumbing problems are found deep within the pipe itself and can go undiagnosed until a major plumbing problem arises. Instead of relying on traditional drain line troubleshooting methods, inspection pinpoints the trouble spot and helps visually confirm the cause of the problem. At Bay Ridge Emergency Plumbing, our inspection shows exactly the problem, regardless of the severity. Our Hawkins Plumbing and Heating service is the most effective method available to locate suspected problem areas within drain lines.

Our qualified staffs of professionals offer honest and reliable work at affordable rates. We are guaranteed to determine problem areas and find the best and most affordable solution for your home. At Hawkins Plumbing and Heating you can count on our dedication to get the job done for your family and comfort. We offer 24-hour emergency service and will beat any written estimate!